Find an ACCUPLACER Test Center

If you’re enrolling in a college far from home, you may be able to take ACCUPLACER tests at a location that’s more convenient to you. Don’t forget to check with the school where you plan to enroll first to make sure they allow you to test at a different location.

Find a Test Center


  1. Go to the "Test Center Locator" in the ACCUPLACER student portal.

    You don’t need an account, username, or password to search for a test center or do anything else in the student portal, which also features practice resources and other useful information on ACCUPLACER and the test experience.

  2. Type in your search criteria and click "Search."

    The only information you’re required to provide is the country and state you’d like to test in. To narrow down your options, you can specify your preferred city or zip code, as well.

  3. Contact the school you're enrolling in.

    Call or email the test center at the school you plan to attend (i.e., your "home school") and provide your preferred test center contact information from your search results. Your home school will make sure you can test at that location and email you instructions for scheduling your tests.

  4. Test off campus.

    If there aren't any test centers near you, contact your home school to see if there are any remote online testing options.